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How Much Does a Website Increase Sales? 8 Retail Stats

Written by rain | Jul 24, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Did you know that 81% of consumers begin their shopping journey by researching online? This means four out of five customers will discover your retail business through your online presence before they even step into your store.

The benefits of a website are clear: It directs customers to your products and drives purchases. But how much does a website increase sales, and what elements of your online presence contribute most to this growth? Find the answers to these questions and more with these eight insightful retail statistics.


1. Global E-Commerce Sales Growth

In 2024, global e-commerce sales are set to hit two big milestones: Surpassing $6 trillion for the first time and making up more than 20% of total retail sales. These impressive numbers highlight the explosive growth of online shopping.  

An online presence is crucial to reach your customers where they are — online! A website is the essential first step in making your business easily discoverable. A well-designed, properly configured website is a convenient hub for all your online activities, from sales to stock updates.


2. Increased Online Shopping Preferences

Shopping online isn’t just convenient; it has become a necessity. In 2023, a staggering 63% of all consumer spending in the U.S. went to online stores, compared to just 37% in physical stores. 

This shows that consumers now favor online shopping for its perks. They expect a wide selection of items, product reviews, testimonials, and home delivery options, including same-day or expedited shipping.

An efficient, user-friendly web design with e-commerce integration is the perfect way to offer all these features and maximize the customer experience.

3. Conversion Rates for Online Retailers

Most industry leaders estimate that the average online retailer sees a conversion rate of 2.5% to 3%. This figure can vary by industry, ranging from 3.7% for food and beverage retailers to 0.9% for luxury apparel.

While these percentages might seem small, consider this: If a small business, on average, receives around 1,000 unique visitors in a month, a 3% conversion rate means 30 paying customers! This shows how even modest conversion rates can drive significant business growth. An effective website not only attracts visitors but also turns them into loyal customers. This highlights the critical role a strong online presence plays in a small business' success.


4. Impact of Website Speed on Sales

In online shopping, speed and convenience are king. If customers can’t quickly and easily find what they need, they’ll move on.

A one-second loading delay can cost you up to 7% of conversions. For a business making $5,000 daily in online sales, that delay means a loss of $350 daily or nearly $130,000 a year. If your product or landing pages take more than three seconds to load, 40% of visitors will abandon your site, tanking your conversion rates.

Page load speed is so crucial to digital marketing strategies that major analytics engines track it alongside other performance metrics. Ensure your website loads quickly to keep customers engaged and prevent lost sales.


5. Mobile Optimization Importance

More than six in 10 internet users today connect to websites using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This trend is even more pronounced in online shopping. At least 79% of smartphone users bought products and services online from their phones in the last six months.

As an online retailer, expect most of your traffic from mobile devices. Optimize your web pages for mobile use to provide the best experience. This ensures visitors can easily navigate your site and are more likely to purchase without switching devices.


6. Influence of Online Reviews

Online reviews play a massive role in a customer’s decision-making process. In fact, 93% of consumers change their shopping choices based on online reviews.

People trust customer reviews and love sharing their opinions. Adding a visible, easy-to-use review function on each product page gives customers a voice, builds trust, and drives sales. Reviews also provide valuable insights into customer preferences, helping you identify your most popular items.


7. Understanding Cart Abandonment Rates

Cart abandonment is a major issue for e-commerce businesses. According to the Baymard Institute, over 70% of customers abandon their carts after adding items.

To tackle cart abandonment, integrate an analytics engine into your website. It measures abandonment rates and reveals the reasons behind them. Use analytics data, live chat questions, and exit surveys to understand customer behavior and develop strategies to reduce abandonment and recover lost sales. 

For example, if many customers leave before checking out, it might indicate that your checkout process needs simplifying.


8. SEO and Organic Search Traffic

Did you know most website visitors come from organic searches? Even with sponsored links and paid ads, 53% of all website traffic is driven by organic search results.

This highlights the crucial role of search engine optimization (SEO). By naturally integrating customer search keywords into your web pages and calls to action, you drive more traffic to your site. SEO attracts potential customers with high buying intent to your most relevant pages, boosting your sales potential.


Unlock Your Sales Potential with Rain POS

Rain POS offers retailers a comprehensive suite of marketing tools to optimize inventory management, business operations, payment processing, and user experience.

Choosing Rain POS as your all-in-one point of sale solution and e-commerce platform means building expertly designed, mobile-friendly web pages that drive traffic and boost sales for your business. Discover firsthand how much a website can increase sales by scheduling a demo of Rain POS today.